Post by Michael Lichter2010 was off to a flying start with a shoot in Deland, FL to update photos for the Easyriders clothing catalogue. As we prepared for what was to be an outdoor location shoot, the Florida forecast was nerve-racking with temps dipping into the mid-20’s each night! As always, we were prepared with everything we needed to set up a studio at Da Vinci’s / Florida Victorian (check this place out for music, drink and antiques the next time you are in Deland – its awesome!!!) and shot a little outside during the warmest hours of the day. Lisa and Tanea of the Purrfect Angelz flew in from CA to model and Melissa Penland arrived with her crew from Easyriders Apparel / Hot Action Sportswear in Daytona Beach with the product. Last minute help with male models came from John Lodi at Bikers Bay who sent Canada Dave over who not only modeled but thinking hanging out with pretty women on a photo shoot wasn't a bad way to end his trip to Florida, so he helped us out for 2-whole days. After a visit to West End Cycles where I'm sure they thought I was nuts asking people to model a couple of hours later, Matt came over to model. Same thing at Addicted To Ink Tattoos but Philly John from came over too. The biggest surprise was when Regina pulled up in her ’34 rat rod with Philly and a huge smile came across my face. She came to give Philly a ride and moral support since this modeling thing can be a bit discombobulating, but before she got out of the car, I knew she would be in front of the camera. Her car and beautiful self were in more photos than anyone! The shoot came off perfect with new locations (we've shot most of the last few years at the Iron Horse Saloon and Broken Spoke in Daytona) and the strong, dramatically lit studio shots will add a new dimension to the catalogue. Special thanks to Tim and Eric who helped out all 3-days barely saying a word, Steve Temple who traveled with me from CO and Billi Jo who got right in there primping and pinning.

Gina with her '34 rat rod in the last seconds of sunlight in the Deland-Deltona Beacon garage.

Lisa hamming it up with a big knocker

Philly John minutes after arriving in Gina's rat rod

Canada Dave with his nephew Cayne

Big Steve took a break from the Iron Horse Saloon

Tanea staying warm in the last rays

Gina and Uncle DC who brought her over on the rainy day

Gina as she looking pulling up in her rat rod - we only had to swap her shirt. 300 CI inline-6

Canada Dave finished off a supposedly warm 2-month trip with his bike in FL with the shoot